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Our masala chai tea is made with a stong black tea and clean, real ingredients, insuring a beautiful chai tea. No where in this tea will you find any flavorings, as is so common in most chai teas. Try the real deal and you will be hooked.

Add milk and sugar for a luxuirous treat.


Ingredients: Black Tea, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom Pods, Clove Buds, Pepper


Brewing Instructions

1. Bring 8 oz. filtered water to a boil.

2. Add 1 rounded teaspoon to tea ball or tea basket.
3. Steep 5 minutes. Remove leaves and enjoy.


We pride ourselves in using only high quality, clean ingredients. With our  loose leaf tea, you may steep it 2 times before all the goodness has been exhausted from the tea leaves. The second steep won't create as strong a tea as the first brew.


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